Journal of Young Researchers
Canadian Student Publishing(CSP): Journal of Young Researchers (JYR) ( is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, academic research and scholarly review journal. CSP-JYR consists of students who have demonstrated a unique and exceptional combination of academic and communication skills. Working closely with leading research scientists, teachers, and student-authors from around the world, JYR student editors are closely associated with the scholarly publication community and follow the standards of academic publication. Each editorial board member maintains a leadership role alongside their editorial duties - this includes special community projects for JYR or CSP, or overseeing aspects of the editorial and publishing process. Each editor also has a specialty area for their editing to ensure accuracy of field-specific scientific concepts.
New members are accepted after interviews by board members, on the decision of the board director, and after consultations with board members. The actions of the board are coordinated with JYR's editor-in-chief through the director of the board. Every article is primarily reviewed before it is sent for peer review by a professional in that discipline. JYR strives to maintain a group of talented and diverse students; the current composition includes students from all around Canada.
Striving to bring science to a wider audience and engaging students in learning beyond the classroom walls, our journal showcases the excellence in student research in all topics. We hope to expose young people to new ideas and topics. We welcome aspiring researchers to submit papers and articles and to get involved with our publishing process.
News from JYR
When the next round of submissions starts, If you have done research in any fields of interest and wish to publish your paper, we will be accepting submissions.
Congratulations to our researchers published within our newest issue: Volume 12 Issue 3.